Friday, August 29, 2008

The final stretch

Yesterday, I finished driving through North Dakota, Montana, and Idaho, and into Spokane Washington.

The Western side of Montana was way cooler than the Eastern side. There were more varied and interesting things to look at, and civilization was a bit denser. Particularly, driving over the Rockies is particularly interesting from a visual perspective.

Also particularly interesting is the Wheat Mountain Bakery & Deli. This is basically a farm, which apparently grows lots of wheat, which decided to capitalize and market this fact. They made this bakery, which extols the benefits of wheat in the form of cookies, pastries, and even sandwiches. After driving for countless hours, finding this foodie stop in the middle of nowhere, with super-friendly clientele and a slightly hipster feel really freaked me out, but made me feel comfortable at the same time. They were so hipster, in fact, that they were selling 10$ bouquets of wheat, which is probably the highest profit margin on wheat possible. I bought a half a sandwich for dinner and a cookie as big as my head. The sandwich was OK, while the cookie was super. I recommend that everybody make at least one trip to this place in their life. It's located at the intersection of I-90 and Hwy 287.

Yes. Western Montana is not just punctuated with beautiful views, it is chock full of them. I found a little stream in a rest stop on the highway. The bathroom was somewhat disgusting, and the water fountains didn't work, but the view was particularly gorgeous. The view was also behind a fence, and hidden from view from the rest stop. I had to go for a bit of a jog and trample around through the weeds before I could get a close look at the stream.

Missoula, Montana was particularly beautiful. It's a hipster college town, with some fancy architecture, and neat bridges, some neat coffee shops, and some really trendy people. I spent a good bit of time driving around there, finding a grocery store, and getting some mint tea.

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